Friday, August 9, 2019

Painted Toasters are Art!

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well. Like most people still in school, I'm dreading returning to the endless workload and suck that is high school. I only have 9 more days of freedom and it feels like a giant weight is on my chest when I think about how little time that is. I've never understood people who are excited for back to school. Sorry to be so negative! But for now, I have toasters to console me!

Here are some goodies (eye candy if you will, though I use that word conservatively because of it's lewd connotations) that I've discovered! Hand painted toasters! These are truly works of art!

This adorable ensemble is very straightforward. It's toast... because it's a toaster. Get it? I love the face on this drawing though if I came into the kitchen late at night, as I often do for a 2 am toast snack, this face would likely scary me speechless. 
Source: Ebay (no longer listed)

This toaster is so darling! I love owls and birds in general! The attention to detail is incredible. You can tell the artist has a lot of creativity because of the outfits of the owls, down to the pearls! A lovely ensemble indeed! 

This toaster is obviously made by the same artisan as the previous toaster. It is equally adorable! I love the ties and the contrasting teal and orange colors. Just lovely!

Save the best for last? Of course!

This gorgeous hand painted/crafted toaster lamp is straight out of a Nova Scotia cabin! I adore the design of sheep outside a barn and house. This reminds me of something that would be decor in my mom's friends house. She's a berry farmer and her home is full of gorgeous and unique pieces like this. This fits with a very specific and timeless aesthetic; some may call it 'cottage core'. This is delicate while still remaining sturdy. It is a truly beautiful piece.